200th Living Waters Well

This pictured well, in a Chadian community village, marks the 200th well installed in Chad through LBIM's Living Waters ministry!

It all started 14 years ago...

In 2009, a friend and member of one of our CLBA congregations visited my family when we served as field missionaries in Chad. Of the many things he processed, he was deeply impacted by the hard reality of clean water access to much of the Chadian population.

According to World Vision, access to basic drinking water in Chad is a deplorable 46%. Women and children walk an average of four miles a day to fetch their drinking water. One in five children won't live to see their fifth birthday, in large part due to contaminated water and poor sanitation and hygiene.

My friend contributed some funds and I contracted a well driller to install a well in a community near where I lived. The next year, a couple more wells were installed. Momentum grew and today, I just sent a report to the donor who funded our 200th well!

LBIM is making a difference in the sobering statistics through this ministry! Living Waters incorporates the physical installation of water wells in needy communities with an ongoing commitment to evangelistic witness in those same well recipient communities. This ministry cares for  people and communities in a way that is Biblically faithful and practically effective. Our field missionaries grow in relationship in these communities as a result of the wells, and not only is physical thirst quenched, but the Word of God is shared. The Gospel is heard, an offering of "living water" that quenches spiritual thirst and "wells" up to eternal life.

Praise God!

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