Our Chad Team is Growing

Our Chad Team filling the conference room at our Welcome Center!
In the 1990s, LBIM missionaries in Africa had been primarily supporting the growing Chadian LB Church in the region. As this national Church became increasingly independent and self-propagating, LBIM appropriately transitioned to a focus on pioneer ministry among unreached people groups. This meant a new generation of missionaries was needed, specifically called to go to new places where the Church was not, to live and minister among Muslims who had little or no access to the gospel.

The vision was to recruit, call, and support missionary teams to reach three people groups in Chad: the Bagirmi, the Bilala, and the Fulbe. The desire was to have at least two LBIM missionary units combined with at least two Chadian missionary partner units in each of the three people groups. This would allow for fellowship, accountability, and support. The realization of this vision has been slow and challenging.  For twenty years, our missionaries in Chad found themselves isolated and alone, without teammates, always praying for others to join.

Now we are full of hope and anticipation. Our veteran missionaries are persevering. And we are adding to their number. We now have seven families on the ground, with two more in the pipeline. Just a couple months ago, we brought all our Chad LBIM missionary families together for a spiritual retreat, and we filled the conference room at our Welcome Center (See photo above)! We have not had this many missionaries in Chad for three decades! This is the realization of our hope for healthy teams among each of our targeted people groups.

Church, we praise God for those who have answered the call to serve with LBIM. This past year we have had two new families join our team in Chad (the Smiths and the Roses). We also praise God for you, the Church—you have answered the call to send and support them. We are full of joy in our privilege of participating with God in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ, God with us, the promised Savior.

Dan Venberg serves as Director of Lutheran Brethren International Mission.

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